33 Abbey Parade, Wimbledon, London SW19 1DG
Orthodontists straighten misaligned teeth and improve your appearance
Orthopaedic orthodontics is a process that helps in guiding facial movement and directing the jaw bone by using functional appliances. Breathing through the mouth can lead to developing crowded teeth and narrow arches. By using functional appliances during growing period, you can attain beautiful and confident smile. However, if you do not treat mouth breathing problems on time, this can cause improper sleeping habits and insufficient sleep.
Bite problems
Crowded or crooked teeth
Narrow arches
Deep overbites
Underdeveloped jaws
Breathing problems
Jaw joint problems
Thumb and finger sucking habits
Sensitive teeth
Severe headaches
Back, neck or shoulder pain
Difficulty in chewing food
Speech difficulties
Removal or extraction of permanent teeth
Fang-like tooth appearance
Use of fixed brackets
Before performing the treatment, the orthodontist will evaluate the case thoroughly and offer free initial consultation to the patients. You will have to undergo dental examination and then complete discussion about your expected results.
Orthopaedic orthodontics is divided into four different categories that have been listed below:
Extraction - It might be needed to extract the permanent teeth for improved dental health in certain cases.
Fixed appliances - These are mainly used for correcting the position of crooked and misaligned teeth.
Surgical - If you are suffering from bone imbalance, the orthodontist may suggest performing surgical procedures to correct such problems.
Removable orthopaedic appliances - When the jaw bone does not grow properly, removable appliances are used for correcting these problems.
If you have large teeth with a specific kind of bite, then removing premolars can be appropriate. If you are developing wisdom teeth, one set of molar need to be removed to allow spacing for other teeth. Most people do not have enough space for all 32 teeth and so, removing a set of molars on time can avoid oral problems with wisdom teeth in future.
The treatment starts when the child still has milk teeth. This is because children find it easy to wear braces. Once the baby teeth are lost, the space can be hold that makes alignment of adult teeth convenient.
Our orthodontists in Wimbledon assess children from the age of 4 years, and then reassess them again at every dental examination.Some kinds of oral developmental problems need to be treated immediately after they have been diagnosed, but the treatment usually starts between 7 to 12 years.
This will actually depend on the development of jaws and age of the patient. It usually takes longer time than usual in case of orthodontic treatment. The treatment time is somewhere between 18 months to 2 years, on an average.
Yes, adults can perform the treatment as this helps in improving their overall appearance. However, it will take more time to attain this if you are above 18. Our orthodontists at the dental practice in Wimbledon, London aims to design appliances which are almost invisible for adult patients.
33 Abbey parade, Wimbledon,
London Sw19 1DG