33 Abbey Parade, Wimbledon, London SW19 1DG
Inlays and onlays are a dental procedure for restoring decayed, cracked or damaged teeth. Also called indirect fillings, they provide greater strength and last for a long time. They are less expensive than crowns and a good option for patients with less damage to their tooth.
Inlay or an onlay are used when the damage is not extreme and your tooth requires a full crown. It allows patients to address the damage caused to their teeth and yet save on the budget. They can be used for replacing metal fillings for more pleasing look and provide better support to your tooth
Inexpensive when compared to dental crowns
Preserve your natural tooth
Extremely durable and made from different materials such as porcelain, composite resin and gold
If inlay/onlay is at the front of your mouth, patients choose a material that is matched with the color of their teeth.
Withstand temperature and pressure for a certain period of time
Great choice for patients having salvageable structure of tooth
Extend the life of teeth and avoid dental repair work in future
The dentist will make a thorough evaluation of your mouth and then determine if you are the right candidate for inlay or onlay. They will thendeal with the area of decay or damage on your tooth.
After numbing mouth with local anaesthesia, tooth decay is removed and the area is prepared and cleaned properly. The procedure involves minimal pain and you will not feel much discomfort.
A tray is lined with dental putty which will be used for taking mould or impression of the tooth. It is then sent to the laboratory where inlay or onlay is customised to fit exactly in the space of your tooth.
You will be given a temporary filling or cover to protect tooth till you return again for inlay/onlay.
You are given a wide choice of materials starting from tooth-coloured porcelain and composite resin to gold.
On visiting the dentist for the second time, inlay or onlay will be cemented into their place and then blended with your tooth to provide natural appearance. A dental resin is used for securing inlay/onlay as you may not see any bonding as the tooth will appear uniform.
Once it is polished, your tooth restoration will look natural. Some patients might find gums around the treated tooth to be less sensitive after the method,however it will fade away after one or two days.
33 Abbey parade, Wimbledon,
London Sw19 1DG